Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Learning to Dance

Dancing is hot right now. This is due in large part to the popular television show "Dancing With the Stars". I haven't gotten hooked on the show yet. Actually only tuned in once just to see what Emmit Smith could do. Is there anything that guy CAN'T do? Everyone looked like they were having such a good time. Life is usually dancing by me so fast here that I don't even hear the music. I am searching for balance right now. I know that is important when dancing. My balancing act includes respectfully mourning my husband's death, teaching my children that one loved one's death does not become yours, then figuring out how to apply that concept in my own life. Can the world believe I really adored my husband if I am dancing? Why is it so important to me what the world thinks? Will I get that self-conscious feeling that everyone is staring at me if I begin to dance? Can I start out slow-dancing? Lord, teach me to dance.

Psalms 30:11 “You turned my mourning into dancing”

“To heal is to let the Holy Spirit call me to dance, to believe again, even amid my pain that God will orchestrate and guide my life.” –Henri Nouwen-

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